To turn select notifications to be active for your learning activity you will:

  1. Click Administration in the top navigation menu

  2. Click on the word Administration

  3. Click on Learning Activities

  4. Search for your Learning Activity

  5. Click on Edit

  6. Click on Send to Stage

  7. Click on Optional

  8. Navigate to Notifications --> System

  9. Change the view in the top right to Active

  10. Click the checkboxes next to notifications you wish to inactivate

  11. Click on Inactivate
  12. Change the view in the top right to Inactive

  13. Click the checkbox next to the notification you wish to edit
  14. Click on the Edit button (the pencil)

  15. Scroll down to the cc

  16. Check or uncheck as appropriate the manager cc


15.  Click OK

16.  Click the checkbox next to the notification you modified

17.  Click on Activate

18.  Repeat as necessary for additional notifications you wish to use

19.  Click OK

20.  Click on Validate for Production

21.  Click on Move to Production