To do: Read through this online help documentation before using this procedure to get familiar with system functionality. Log Into SumTotal and read: Replace SCORM Files
Tip: The LMS is not a place for managing your course files. Administrators should save versions of their online courses on their internal agency network for referencing and retrieval. It is not possible to download a SCORM package from the WSLC.
Tip: When designing your course, place the publish date or revision date on the title page of the course. This will help when troubleshooting with learners to confirm which version of the course they are accessing.
Tip: When replacing SCORM content, both the existing and replacement files need to be the same SCORM iteration (for example, SCORM 2004 3rd Edition). You cannot replace one version with a different version.
Tip: Update your files in the late afternoon when learners are not taking training. This file needs to upload and processes need to run overnight to update learner records with the new content.
Tip: If you have to create a new course (and course code), use the base code to assist with data retrieval from advanced reporting. You cannot honor previous completions of the new course code. A new assignment will be required.
Example on how to use the same course code so your advanced reporting is not impacted:
- Using the original course, update the course code to include “_retired_date”.
- Create your new course using the previous course code.
- In advanced reporting, filter your data by course code, then use the drop down list to select an operator of “starts with” and enter “DES_Ethics”. Your report will include all previous course codes in your data.
- Navigate to Administration > Learning Management > Activity Management > Learning Activities
- Search for the Learning Activity you want to update and select Edit
- Select Send to Stage
- Select Optional
- Navigate to Web Based Training > General
- Select Enable content replacement when manifest file is modified (this option only applies to SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 v3 content)
- Select Browse and select the new course for uploading
- Enter a reason for replacing the Learning Activity content:
- Select Upload
One of two things happens next:
If there aren’t any changes to the manifest file, the content gets replaced and you can skip to Step 11 (below).
If there’s a change in the manifest file, a pop-up displays asking about the structure. You can either:
Keep the structure: This replaces the content without replacing the manifest file. You should select this for situations where the manifest file has been modified but the structure remains the same.
Replace the structure: This replaces the entire structure, including the manifest file. You should select this when there are manifest changes that affect the structure.
- Manifest changes that DO NOT impact Structure include: fixing a typo, adding or removing text, changing the course name or description
- Manifest changes that DO impact Structure include: adding/deleting slides or pages, replacing pictures or screenshots, changes in questions type or number of answer options
Not sure what option you should select? Log into SumTotal and review this document: Replace SCORM Files
If you selected Replace the structure, another pop-up displays asking you how you want to handle the status of all users currently in-progress. You can either:Re-Register: Any users currently in-progress return to a registered status and they will have to restart with the new version.
Keep In-Progress: Any users currently in-progress remain with their current in-progress status and will complete the old version.
Regardless of which option you choose, the learner will have their progress deleted and will have to start the activity from the beginning. We recommend always choosing Re-Register so that in-progress users don't have to take a new registration action to see the Start button.
Assigned or registered learners who haven't launched the activity yet won't see any change in their status.
- (Optional) Once the content has finished uploading, select Preview to view the activity and make sure it’s working as expected.
- Select OK
- Select Validate for Production
- Select Move to Production
How to check the manifest file upload progress:
The activity cannot be seen immediately in the Learning Activity Management screen until the file has completed its upload. There is a job that runs every 10 minutes that refreshes the search for this screen. To check the upload progress:
- Select the FILE UPLOAD button.
- Switch to the PREVIOUSLY UPLOADED tab. Here you will see the status of your uploaded file.
- Navigate to Administration > Learning Management > Activity Management > Learning Activities