Accessing the Optional Page from the Homepage

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  1. Click Learning Activities – this will take you to the Activity Management Page

Activity Management Page

Note:  For this job aid example an existing learning activity was selected and the Optional Page is accessed by clicking on “Edit” next to that learning activity.

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Click Edit – this will take you to the General Properties for the learning activity

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Click the Optional button to access the Optional settings to configure additional properties


Web-based Training (online training, eLearning) sub menu – these properties only apply to online content (courses, documents, quick assessments, or virtual sessions).  

  • General
  • Quick Assessments
  • Redirect Settings
  • Multi Language


You would use these properties for learning activities that are conducted over the web.  Online Activities (eLearning), Web-based training that is accessed through the LMS, links to YouTube, or different web pages are the sort of activities you would want to use this sub menu for. 


Update General Web Based Properties Page

After you’ve uploaded or linked content, you may want to modify general online properties for the activity.  Upload minor updates to SCORM packages, associate launch methods, set the number of attempts and progress, set content play options, offline access, and duration of access for web-delivered content.

OP WBT General Page.png

Launch Method – This can only be updated if the activity has never been moved to production.  Once it is published once, the launch method is locked.  Some file types or URLs require a specific launch method.  In this case the launch method is locked and you can’t change it. 

Launch URL (for linked activities only) – If you need to update the link, enter the new value in the Launch URL field. 

Enable xAPI Tracking (If applicable):  Allow learners to track their interaction details. This checkbox is only available for xAPI-supported MP4 files, YouTube video links, and integrated kPoint videos. If the file isn’t xAPI-supported, the checkbox won’t display.

No Registration Required Learners can launch the activity without having to register for it first.
This property is the same as the one on the Properties: Status page. Updating one will
update the other.

Maximum AttemptsSet the number of times the learner can register for the activity. If you
leave this field blank, learners can register as many times as they want.

Once the learner reaches the Maximum attempts limit, Learning Management blocks
the learner from registering and there is no way for them to take the activity again.

Also consider the following:

  • This limit only applies if the learner registers for the activity, so make sure No registration required is not selected.
  • If you set maximum attempts on an activity that's Mobile-enabled (User can launch or register from the Mobile app), users cannot download the activity and access it in offline mode. This is because the system needs to be able to track the attempts, and it must be online to do that.

Tip: Don't set maximum attempts for recurring activities like certifications, as this could prevent users from completing their retraining

Maximum tries per attempt Set the number of tries included in each attempt for activities within a curriculum.  This setting is useful for activities the learner can pass or fail, since you can give them multiple tries to pass the activity.    Note:  the Maximum tries per attempt only applies to activities included within a curriculum.  Standalone activities just follow the Maximum attempts rule. 

Disable the Maximum Attempts Reached Notification if the user previously passed the activity This checkbox works with the Maximum Attempts Reached Notification which lets learners know when they’ve reached the maximum attempts allowed for the activity.  If you select it, then once a learner passes the activity, they won’t receive this notification even if they retake the activity and reach the maximum number of attempts.  If you leave it blank, learners who passed the activity still receive this notification.

Launch from Local Content Server (Applies to SCORM content) – For SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 3rd edition only. Launch from local content server: If your company uses local content servers and this activity is Mobile-enabled, select this checkbox to require that learners launch the content using a server that’s geographically closer to them, which can help overcome low-bandwidth networks.

Show the Progress Details Page when a learner closes an online activity sends learners to the Progress Details page when they close an online activity.

Show interaction details to learners on the Progress Details page - Allows learners to view the interaction details on the Progress Details page.

Enable Encoding for AICC URL (for AICC HACP only) When communicating with the third-party vendor, TLC sends the user’s credentials and passwords in an encoded format which makes the account data more secure.

User can Launch or Register from the Mobile App – If the activity is mobile compatible, select this checkbox to make the activity accessible through the Mobile app.  If you don’t’ select this checkbox, learners can’t register for or launch the activity from the Mobile app. Depending on domain-level Mobile App Settings, they may still be able to see the activity in Mobile, or it might be hidden.

Enable Content Replacement when Manifest File or course structure is modified (Note: This setting does not apply to AICC) – Allows administrators to replace uploaded course content even if the structure or manifest has been modified.

Note: If the "Allow content replacement even if the content’s manifest file or course structure is modified is disabled" at the domain level, then this checkbox will be grayed-out and you can’t select it.

Launch "User Complete" evaluation(s) after learners complete and close an online activity. (Note: This setting only applies to evaluations with the Evaluation Trigger: User Complete and Trigger Offset: 0 days. Multiple evaluations are launched in alphabetical order (A-Z) – This checkbox is selectable if the activity has a Launch URL (either via file upload or external link). However, it only applies to activities that have at least one associated evaluation with the properties Evaluation trigger > User complete and Trigger offset (day) set to 0.

Note: While unlikely, it may take 30-60 minutes for the system to process completion records. If the
completion doesn’t process immediately; the evaluation will not automatically launch.


Disable self-completion (only applies to live virtual sessions) – Learners cannot mark themselves as
complete when they close the activity. This setting only applies to activities that use a virtual session Launch method, such as Webex or Microsoft Teams (not in use).


Online Content Relaunch/Review

Allow users to launch online content after they have completed it – This option lets learners launch online courses multiple times. Allowing users to launch completed activities creates a new attempt and allows the learner to start from the beginning. This option only applies to activities with No registration required selected. If registration is required, learners always have the option to relaunch the activity after they re-register for it. If you want to prevent them from re-registering, set Maximum attempts limit.

Allow user to review online content after they have completed it This option lets learners review their content.  When the learner goes to their Training Schedule’s Completed tab, a Review option displays on the Actions split button.  Allowing users to review completed activities doesn’t overwrite their previous completion data.  In review mode, there are no interactions between the content and the Learning Center.

  • The review option works differently depending on if the activity has No registration
    required selected:
    Registration not required: A Start option displays everywhere the learner can find the activity, including the Training Schedule's Completed tab. When the learner clicks it, they see a pop-up asking if they want to review the content.
  • Registration required: A Review option displays on the Training Schedule's Completed tab. Learners click it to review the content. This Review option does not display anywhere else. If the learner accesses the activity from another location (like its details page or Enterprise Search), they only see the option to reregister. Once they re-register, they do not have the option to review; they can only relaunch.

Content Player Settings

Content player settings use this section to customize how the player displays to learners.  Some of these options may be unavailable depending on the type of content you uploaded.  For example, if you uploaded a native xAPI or SCORM 2004 v4 course, Hide SumTotal Player navigation is grayed-out because it’s not applicable with this type of content. 

Hide SumTotal Player Navigation Select this checkbox to hide the navigation options for online learning activities.

Set the display options for the content player window:

  • None: means the content player auto-adjusts to fit the content.
  • Open content player in a new tab: The activity opens in a new tab. The
    content player's size is auto adjusted to fit the tab. This option is only available for the following launch methods: AICC HACP, External Content, Generic Document, HBP Course, SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 
  • Open content player window in full screen mode means the content player always opens in full-screen mode. 
  • Open content player inline: The content player opens in the same window and tab. The content player's size is auto adjusted to fit the window. This option is only available for the following launch methods: CMI5, Experience API, SCORM 2004 V4 
  • Set the size of the content player window - allows you to set an exact Width and Height for the content player. 

Disable scrollbars for content player windowno scrollbars display in the content player.  Content-specific CSS can always override the scrollbar display behavior. If the actual content size is larger the Width and Height set above, the scroll bar still displays even if you disable it. The size needs to be same as the content size mentioned in manifest (.imsmanifest) file.

Open content player in native mode (SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 3rd edition only) - Enables the rendering of HTML5 specific elements within the content.  We recommend selecting this option if your content is HTML5 enabled.

Online Content Access Duration

Online Content Access Duration – Use this section If you want the content to only be available for a set period of time.

Enable online content access duration: You have to select this checkbox to use the other options in this section.

Enter the number of days learners can access online content - Decide how many days (up to 999) learners will have access to the content.

Calculate course access duration from - Choose whether you want the access duration to begin when the learner registers for the activity (Registration date) or first launches it (Launch date).

  • For example, if you Enter the number of days as 60 and choose Registration date, if the learner registers for the activity on March 1, they’ll have access to the course for 60 days (until April 30). If the user re-registers for the activity after completing it, Learning Management will recalculate the access duration using the new registration date.

Mark users who have not completed the activity by the end of the duration as - If the learner doesn’t complete the online course by the duration deadline, TLC can automatically mark them as Passed or Failed, or you can select None and the learner’s status will stay as-is (such as "In Progress").

Select to use the default message: If you selected Passed or Failed above, you can display a default message about the access duration's status in the Other Notes view of the activity’s roster. You can customize this message (up to 4000 characters) in the Other Notes field if needed.


Roll-up lesson level details to the SCORM course - This option ensures TLC marks the activity as "complete" after the user finishes the course. Most content does this automatically, but older (legacy) content won’t.

Progress Report Base URL - This is for External Content activities only.

Web Based Training Quick Assessment Page

Quick assessments are online quizzes you can build to test your learners’ knowledge.  They work best as part of an activity structure (like a curriculum) so you can check what your learners remember about the activities they have just completed.  The Quick assessment activity type is comprised of Question Banks, which contain questions.  You can associate one or more question banks with an assessment and then pick specific questions from each of the banks to create the full list of questions.  Once you have the list of questions, the order can be randomized, or you can decide how many questions the learner must answer, or set a passing grade. 

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Maximum time to complete assessment – allows you to enter the Hours and Minutes. If the learner doesn't complete the activity in the time allotted, the assessment gets marked as "Incomplete." Learners will see a timer when they launch the activity.

Randomize Options – allow the control of the display of questions in an assessment to ensure that each learner gets to view questions in a different order. You can use one of these options:

Selected questions within question banks - This option randomizes questions added directly from the question bank into the assessment.

Questions across question banks - This option randomizes the questions added directly from the question bank and the random questions you add across question banks.

Allow users to complete the assessment in more than one session - If the user needs to close the assessment and return at a later date, they do not need to start over. This option also "pauses" the timer if you've set a time limit.

Randomize order of options for multiple choice and multiple select questions - The possible answers for multiple choice and select questions appear in a different order for each user.

Show option-level feedback during the assessment to make it a practice assessment - Make this a practice assessment that gives users additional feedback.  The assessment shows any Question feedback (entered when creating the question), displays the correct answer(s), and allows the learner to change their answer before they submit the assessment.  Once submitted, the assessment is graded like a normal assessment and displays on the learner's Training Transcript. If you want to clear this pass or fail from their transcript, you need to remove the learner(s) from the activity roster.

Show result summary after users submit the assessment - When learners compete the assessment, they see a detailed summary of results. If this option is not selected learners only see if they passed or failed.  If you select Show result summary after users submit the assessment, you can also enter general feedback in the Enter assessment feedback field. It appears at the top of the results page.

Allow users to view details of their responses on the Review page after they submit the assessment - Users can go over each question and compare their answers to the correct ones. Any Question feedback (entered when creating the question) displays as well.

Redirect Settings Page

Controls the settings for redirection after the player is closed.  Settings modified at the Learning Activity level take precedence over Domain Settings.

Web based Redirect.png

Multi Language Page

You may want to offer a self-paced online training in multiple languages so that learners can choose their preferred language from a list of options when they launch the activity. From the activity's Staging Editor, you can upload or link to content packages content packages in different languages and associate them with the appropriate language label (for example, Spanish or Arabic).

When you create an activity with multiple language packages, the learner gets prompted to pick a
language the first time they launch the activity. After that, the activity automatically opens in that selected
language until the learner either completes the activity or cancels their registration. If they re-register for
the activity, they’re prompted to select their language again.

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