This document provides a brief overview of the WA STATE Curriculum and steps for locating, editing, configuring, and managing these in your domain.
WA STATE Curriculum Overview
- DES has created a curriculum for each Enterprise Training within each Agency domain
- These curricula are designated as Activity Type = WA STATE Curriculum
- Each WA STATE Curriculum subscribes to the appropriate Enterprise Training online course
- The subscribed online course resides in the Enterprise domain
- The subscribed online course and its properties are not editable
- Each Agency domain "owns" and is "responsible" for the configuration and management of these WA STATE Curricula within their domain
- Agency domains will be able to configure the following for their WA STATE Curriculum activities
- Status settings (e.g. hidden from search, hidden from transcript)
- Certification or training recurrence settings
- Registration audiences
- Approval settings
- Desired notifications
- Management assignments
- All other properties
- Additionally, agency domains will be able to
- Copy their WA STATE Curriculum activities (if desired)
- Report on progress of their users through the curricula
WA STATE Curriculum Management
- Go to Learning Activity Management by selecting Administration Tab_Learning Management_ Activity Management_ Learning Activities
- Select WA STATE Curriculum in the Activity Type dropdown filter
- Search for and locate the desired curriculum
- Click Edit
- Click Send to Stage and
- Click Optional
- Navigate to Configure general properties for your activityàStatus. Select and modify the STATUS properties as desired
- Select the Active Checkbox
- Select Can be Copied checkbox
- Change the Status dropdown to Active
- If this is to be a recurring training then click on Certification in the blue arrow at the top. Select and modify the CERTIFICATION properties as desired
- Manage Honoring Previous Completions
IMPORTANT When assigning users the WA STATE Curriculum and you are honoring previous completions (see below), then users who have previously completed the subscribed online course MUST register for your WA STATE Curriculum before receiving credit for their previous completion. Therefore, the WA STATE Curriculum will appear in the following areas of the Washington State Learning Center as assigned training that the user must complete 1. Training Analysis 2. Learner Dashboard / My Learning Assignments widget 3. Manager Dashboard / Exception Report |
Important! By default, the WA STATE Curricula do NOT honor previous completions.
Decide if you want to honor previous successful completions; and if so, how you want to honor them.
- If you honor previous successful completions, the learner does not need to retake a subscribed activity they have already completed. The system shares their completion record with the subscribed child activity so that they are marked complete (Attended or Waived) on the curriculum’s roster.
- When the learner registers for an activity structure (such as a curriculum), the application checks if the learner has completed any activity in the structure earlier. If they have, they see a warning message that informs them they have already completed this activity. The learner can choose to either register for the activity again or retain their previous completion details. (See WA State Curriculum Registration document for learners. Because this is a new application, this is a one-time registration step they need to take in order for it to recognize and acknowledge their previous completions).
IMPORTANT During the registration process, if the user UNCECKS the "Skip registration for already attended activities" and registers, they will not be given credit for the previous completion and will be required to complete the activity again in order to complete the curriculum. |
Steps for Modifying Subscription Properties to Honor Previous Completions
Important! Deactivate the notifications BEFORE performing the steps below If this is not performed, then notifications will go out to users who have previously completed the subscribed activity. · Select OPTIONAL and then select Notifications / System · In the View dropdown select Active · Select the select all checkbox and click the Inactivate option · Continue the process until all Active notifications are Inactivated |
- Select the subscribed online course in the left pane. Note: this is the root enterprise course that starts with WA State and NOT with your agency acronym.
- Select Optional and then select Subscription Links under the Related Activities section
- Click on the pencil icon next the subscribed activity name
- Check how you want to honor previous completions. Your choices are:
- Honor successful completions made after this activity structure moves to production
- Honor success completions made before this activity structure moves to production and you can select
- Most Recent Completion
- Most Recent Completion after a specified date
- IMPORTANT! You MUST ensure the final checkbox is clicked Only honor the above completions after the learner registers for at least one activity in this activity structure.
IMPORTANT MUST check the last option "Only honor the above completions after the learner…" By checking this option, the learner MUST select and register for the curriculum to receive credit AND It ensures ONLY users who have registered for the curriculum receive credit for previous completions and it appears on their transcript. Refer to the online help for additional information and details regarding the available options |
- Click OK
- Once set, click Cancel to return to the Optional properties
- Click the name of the WA STATE Curriculum in the left pane (this is the one that begins with your agency acronym)
- Click on Registration_Availability
- Click the Open for Registration checkbox
- Click the Allow for one click registration checkbox
- Click on Audiences in the blue arrow at the top
- Select the registration audience
- Select the registration audience
- Click on Notifications_System to turn on desired notifications. We recommend turning on
- Learning activity assignment overdue
- Learning assignment overdue
- Learning activity assignment reminder notification
- Certification expiration notification
- Certification expiration reminder notification
- Click on Management_Audiences. Select and modify the ASSIGNMENT properties as desired
- Click Validate for Production
- Click Move to Production