Set up Locations in your Domain

Facilities are places where training occurs, and they have locations within them for training.  1500 Jefferson is a facility.  DES Training Room 3060 which is housed at 1500 is a location.


  1. Click on Administration

  2. Click on Learning Management

  3. Click on Resources

  4. Click on Locations. This will take you to a new page.

    Create Locations 1.png

  5. This will open a new page. Click New.

    Create Locations 5.png


      6. Enter the Name

  1. Use Browse to select the domain for the facility

  2. Use Browse to select the Facility where the Location is housed

  3. Enter the Maximum Capacity

  4. Enter the URL for the Facility / Location (if applicable)

  5. Enter the email for contacting the location
  6. Click OK if not adding Optional Information 

Create Location 6.png


Optional Information

  1. Click the arrow to expand for Optional Information

  2. Input Optional Text (if applicable)

  3. Input Date Range for location use (if applicable)

  4. Input Cost to use the facility (if applicable)

  5. Enter type of Currency (if applicable)

  6. Input the Integer (Do not recommend using)

  7. Check Yes/No (Do not recommend using)

  8. Input the Float (Do not recommend using)

  9. Add a Memo (if applicable)

  10. Click OK

    CL Options 1.png