Skip registration for already attended activities

As the WA State Learning Center is a new application for managing learning activities within Washington State, agency learners will have to complete the steps described below to ensure they get credit for previously completing mandatory trainings.  Because of this, when a WA State Curriculum is assigned (this is how mandatory trainings are now assigned in the Learning Center) learners:

  1. May run into a situation when they have already attended the subscribed activity (online course) or at least one of the activities within its structure.

  2. When this happens, the learner is taken to a Registration Issues page and given the option to select Skip registration for already attended activities.

    • CHECKED (default behavior) – when this box is checked the displayed status for the activity is applied to the curriculum registration

    • UNCHECKED (requires action by user) – when unchecked, the previous status for the activities are ignored and the user will start fresh for all activities within the curriculum

IMPORTANT !!! If this option is NOT CHECKED, then previous completions DO NOT COUNT, and the user is re-registered for all activities.  The user DOES NOT receive credit for previous completions, regardless of subscription link honor completion settings for each of the activities.


  1. Leave Skip registration for already attended activities checked


  1. Click Submit