Make Up Session Scenario


  • Employees attend ILT Classes as their schedules permit, and it is not unusual for a learner to attend Day 1 and Day 2 of one offering and make-up Day 3 in another offering of the ILT To ensure that learners receive credit for the ILT Course, create a tree structure to collect the outcome from each day of the ILT Class.

  • Outcomes:
    • When a learner attends all 3 days in a single class, normal rollup to the ILT Course will occur

  • When a learner attends Day 1 and Day 2 in one ILT Class and Day 3 in the a later offering of the ILT Class, the new tree structure will collect the outcomes through fulfillment, rollup the information, and satisfy the ILT Course



But the problem is . . .


There is a class running in November and user wants to complete Day 3 of this class to get credit for completion of the ILT Course.


User registers for all three sessions but only completes the first two sessions.


ILT Class is incomplete, and ILT Course is not fulfilled.




A Possible Solution . . .

Build the same structure with the ILT Course offered by ILT Classes.


Connect each scheduled session to the corresponding rollup session using a fulfillment link.

Add a new structure with no assigned start and end dates. This structure will be used to roll up results from multiple ILT Classes.


Be sure to uncheck “Open For Registration” for the new ROLLUP ILT Class


Add a new structure with no assigned start and end dates. This structure will be used to roll up results from multiple ILT Classes.

The Results . . .

User registers for the October class but only completes Day 1 & Day 2 of 3 required session


User registers for and completes
Day 3 of the November class.



Upon completion of Day 3, user gets credit for completing this session in the rollup structure (via fulfillment).



ILT Course is marked complete (via fulfillment).



Best Practices

  • When using a Make‐up Structure hide the ILT Course and Offerings from the Transcript and show the make up structure on the Transcript.
  • Make‐up Structure should have a code that is unique but similar to that of the ILT Course it
  • Use one directional fulfillment links. From the sessions or offering to the objective in the make‐up structure.
  • Create a separate make up structure for each ILT Course to maintain unique
  • Use the make‐up structure for Reporting