1. Click on Administration
  2. Click on Users
  3. Click on Manage Proxies


4.  Click on New

5.  Search for and Select the Name of the Manager by clicking on the Browse button next to the field.

  • Enter in the manager’s name and click on the magnifying glass to search.
  • Select the radio button next to the manager’s name.
  • Click on Ok.

6.  Search for and Select the Name of the Proxy by clicking on the Browse button next to the field.

  • Enter in the proxy’s name and click on the magnifying glass to search.
  • Select the radio button next to the proxy’s name.
  • Click on Ok.

7.  Back on the Proxy Relationship Properties page, select the proxy assignment duration in the Activate Proxy Relationships

  • To set a specific period of time, click the radio button next to Activate Proxy Between to enable the Start Date and End Date

8.  Click on Save.
