External users (outside of the State Government Network) may connect to LC using a Secure Access Washington (SAW) account to verify their identity. To make this connection work, LMS Administrators and external users must follow these procedures.

Agency Process

For employees, volunteers, contractors, etc. that are not paid from the state’s payroll system they will need to authenticate via SAW.  The LC login user name for these accounts will be an email address.  Agencies need to contact DES and set up an interagency agreement for these accounts because there will be a license fee associated.

Completing the LC User Import Template

Agencies will populate the TLC User Import Template and submit to DES for processing.  Once the file is processed, the learner can log into LC.  HINT:  retain your spreadsheet and use again to make account inactive when needed.


  1. Agency populates the LC User Import Template.

  2. Submit the file to https://desitsupport4u.des.wa.gov/hc/en-us place LC User Import in the subject line.

  3. Receive a confirmation from DES that the file has processed successfully or had failures. If needed, correct any records and resubmit the file using a new ticket.

  4. Communicate to the learner that their account is now active.


Creating a SAW Account


    1. Enter the URL of the Secure Access Washington site.  https://secureaccess.wa.gov
  1. Click the SIGN UP! button


  2. You will be presented with the Signup Page where you can create an account.

HINT:  if you update your email address on this site you will no longer have access to the Washington State Learning Center.


  1. Enter the email address for the account in both fields “EMAIL” and USERNAME”


  2. Create a Password.


  3. You will be directed by the SIGN UP! process to check your Email (The email account that was used to create the account) and follow the directions to activate your account and verify the email account



  1. You will then see the message below



Logging into the Washington State Learning Center


  1. From any web browser use the link below. Chrome is the recommended browser if you have it installed.

    1. https://sowa.sumtotal.host/

    2. You will be directed to this page, select Secure Access Washington


    3. Enter your Email address and password used when creating your account.


    4. You will now be logged into the Learning Center.