You will create the following:

  1. A Generic Document Activity
    • A Generic document activity creates a transcript entry for each policy reviewed. A Knowledge document activity does not create a transcript entry.
    • If you upload a document you’ll want to remember that whenever the policy is updated the Administrator will have to update this activity. Another options is to link to the document/policy on a website.  For this option, when the document is updated on the website your activity stays up-to-date.  See the procedure “How to create an annual policy review when linking to documents”.


  1. Question Bank
    • Create attestation question(s) for the learner to answer. For example: I confirm I have read and understand the Whistleblower policy.
    • If you need to update a question after the assessment has been completed by a learner, you will have to rebuild the quick assessment.


  1. Quick Assessment
    • This is a test that includes the attestation questions built in step 2.
    • Instead of writing an attestation question for each activity, you could have one questions that encompasses all, for instance: I confirm that I have read ALL policies in the curriculum.


  1. Curriculum
    • All of the activities are placed into a curriculum (and include the quick assessment) for assignment.


  1. Assign the Curriculum

Create Generic Document when uploading a file


  1. Navigate to Administration > Learning Management > Activity Management > Learning Activities

  2. Click the File Upload button

  3. What do you want to upload? Select Single file (such as an online course or document)

  4. Upload files to: Select Staging area (not yet visible to learners)

  5. Click the Browse button and select the file you want to upload

  6. Click the Upload Files button

  7. Click the Next button

  8. Input an Activity Remember to include your agency acronym before the Name (example:  DES Policy Review).

  9. Verify the Launch method is Generic Document

  10. Input a Code and click Remember to include your agency acronym before the code.

  11. Verify the Training available to audience is correct

  12. Only add Topics if this will be searchable in the library. Otherwise, don’t add.

  13. Click Next

  14. For the Content Play Settings, make no changes

  15. For the Activity Settings
    • Verify Active is selected
    • Select Hide from search results for Learners and Managers
    • Select No registration required
    • Verify Can be subscribed is selected

  16. Click Note: You will not be able to work with document until the upload is completed. Click the red X to close this window.

  17. Once the upload is completed, search for your activity in the Activity Management table. Click Note that your activity is in Stage because of the selection we made in Step 4.

  18. Click the Optional button (this will open a new page)

  19. Navigate to Configure general properties for your activity and click Status (this will open a new page)
    • Select the checkbox for Active
    • Select the checkbox for Hide from search results for learners and managers. Since we are going to assign this curriculum to the learners, we recommend hiding from search results so the learner cannot register via the library.  A learner should only be registered for an activity using one method.
    • Select the checkbox for No Registration Required. This selection allows the employees to register for the entire curriculum versus each individual activity.
    • Select the checkbox for Can be subscribed. This selection allows this activity to be included in a curriculum.
    • Set the Status to Active in the drop down
    • Select OK

  20. Navigate to Web Based Training and click General (this will open a new page)
    • Confirm the Launch method is Generic Document
    • Navigate to Launch URL. Click the TEST button to ensure the document downloads properly.  Note:  the document will not automatically launch in a new window.  The learner will need to download the document to review.
    • Select No registration required
    • Select Disable the Maximum Attempts reached Notification if the user previously passed the activity
    • Select Show the Progress Details page when users close an online activity
    • Select Show interaction details to users on Progress Details page
    • Select User can launch or register from the Mobile app
    • Select Allow user to launch online content after they have completed it
    • Select Allow user to review online content after they have completed it
    • Select OK

  21. Navigate to Registration and click Availability (this will open a new page)
    • Select Open for Registration (should already be selected)

  22. Navigate to the top of this page and select Audiences in the blue navigation bar
    • Your default audience for your agency should be populated here. This is needed so your employees can view and launch the activity.
    • Select OK

  23. Navigate to Notifications and click System (this will open a new page)
    • We are going to make all notifications inactive for this activity. On the right side of the screen find the View filter, in the drop down select Active. The results displaying in this screenshot is 10 of 76 records.  You will need to repeats these steps 8 times or until all notifications are inactive.
    • To select all notifications on the screen, select the Select All Items on this Page checkbox which is to the left of the Notification Name header.
    • Then click on the Inactivate button.


  24. In the bottom left of the screen click the VALIDATE FOR PRODUCTION button
    • Click the MOVE TO PRODUCTION button

  25. You are done creating this Generic Document Activity. Repeat this process for each activity (policy) you want to include in the curriculum. Best practice is to create a new curriculum and not modify an existing once it has been assigned to your employees.  You will have to build a new curriculum if you need to add or remove generic activities.


Create a Question Bank


  1. Navigate to Administration > Learning Management > Activity Management > Question Banks

  2. Click This is to create a brand new question bank and will open the New Question Bank dialog box.  (Do not use ADD to update an existing question bank)

  3. Input a Remember to include your agency acronym before the Name (example:  DES Policy Attestation).

  4. Add a Description

  5. Verify the Primary Domain is correct

  6. A Topic is not needed since the learner will not be searching the library for this question bank.

  7. Input a Code for the Question Bank, remember to include your agency acronym before the code. (example: DES_123456)

  8. Select Done (this will return you to the Question Banks Page)

  9. Click on the name of your question bank that you just created, then select the Add Questions button (this will open the New Question dialog box)

  10. Select True or False as the Question Type

  11. Input a Question Code (example: Attestions_1) Questions can be used in another question bank, so using a code that has a meaning will provide you the ability to select it for another question bank. It may also be viewable in advanced reporting.

  12. Input the Question (remember to phrase it as a true or false question) (example: I certify that I have read and understand the Travel Policy)

  13. Input Question Feedback (for a policy review we used “select ‘true’ if you have read the policy and agree to comply with the policy)

  14. In the Answer section, select TRUE as the correct answer.
    • You can modify the correct answer’s text to something else by clicking on the word “True”. This opens the Choice rich text editor below. Input the text you want to display and then scroll down to click the Update button. (example:  Yes)
    • Repeat this step for each answer choice you want to update the text.

  15. Choice is required but it fills itself in when you select the answer

  16. Input Choice feedback (if desired)

  17. Click Done

  18. Select the question you just created, then hover over the Other Actions drop down and select

Note:  Repeat these steps as needed to add additional questions

  1. In the upper left corner of the screen, click on the Question Bank bread crumb. In the Question Bank table click on your question bank.   Then hover over the Other Actions drop down and select Publish.  The question bank needs to be published so you can use it in the Assessment below.  Note:  You need to have all of questions created before publishing this question bank.  Remember, each individual question needs to be published (step 18) then do Step 19 after you create all of your questions.

  2. You are done with this step.


Create a Quick Assessment


  1. Navigate to Administration > Learning Management > Activity Management > Learning Activities

  2. Hover over the New Activity button and select Quick Assessment (this will open a new page)

  3. Input a Remember to include your agency acronym before the Name (example:  DES Policy Quick Assessment).

  4. Verify the Primary Domain

  5. Verify the Activity Type is Quick Assessment

  6. Input the Remember to include your agency acronym before the code.

  7. Add a The description displays on the assessment’s launch screen. If you have any instructions for your learners, enter them here.

  8. Verify the owner (you can browse to change this)

  9. Add a Contact name(s)

  10. Add the Contact Email address(es)

  11. Select SAVE

  12. Click the Optional button (this will open a new page)

  13. Navigate to Configure general properties for your activity and select Status
    • Select Active
    • Select No registration required
    • Select Can be subscribed
    • Set the Status to Active in the drop down

  14. Navigate to the top of this page and select Grading and Completion in the blue navigation bar
    • Select Contribute to parent activity completion
    • Select Required to be completed (as this is a policy review it should be made required)
    • Set the Minimum percent (as this is a policy review, this has been set to 100). If you do not enter a percent, learners will “pass” the assessment regardless of how many answers they get wrong.
    • Select Enable learning activity sequencing (as this is a policy review, this assessment should come after the other items in the curriculum).
    • Click OK.

  15. Navigate to the Web Based Training and select General (this will open a new page)
    • Select No registration required (as this will be part of a curriculum, this allows them to register once for all activities instead of having to register for individual activities)
    • Select Allow user to launch online content after they have completed it
    • Select Allow user to review online content after they have completed it

  16. Navigate to the top of this page and select Quick Assessments in the blue navigation bar
    • Select Allow users to complete the assessment in more than one session.
    • Select Show result summary after users submit the assessment
    • Enter assessment feedback (optional)
    • Scroll down to the Question Banks Section and click ADD. This will open the Add Question Banks Dialog Box.
    • Select the Question Bank(s) you wish to associate with the Quick Assessment. Note:  You can use the search bar to narrow the results using a keyword.
    • Click OK


    • Use the Arrows under Random Question to select questions from the question bank. Make this equal to the number of questions in your question bank.
    • Click OK

  17. Navigate to Registration and select Availability
    • Click Open for Registration
    • Click Allow one click registration
    • Click OK

  18. You are done with this step.


Creating a Curriculum


  1. Navigate to Administration > Learning Management > Activity Management > Learning Activities

  2. Hover over the New Activity button and select Curriculum (this will open a new page)

  3. Input a Name. Remember to include your agency acronym before the Name (example: DES Policy Review Curriculum)

  4. Verify the Primary Domain

  5. Verify the Activity Type is Curriculum

  6. Input the Code. Remember to include your agency acronym before the code.

  7. Add a Description

  8. Designate a Contact

  9. Provide the contact email

  10. Add This is only needed if you plan to have your learners search the library to register for this curriculum. If you are assigning this curriculum to your agency, leave this field blank.

  11. Select Contribute to parent activity completion in the Grading and Completion section

  12. Input the Number of child activities to successfully complete (for this example, enter the number of activities in this curriculum including the quick assessment)

  13. Select a Diploma template (The default diploma is named “Enterprise Diploma”)

  14. Select Enable Learning Activity Sequencing (this example wants the Quick Assessment to happen at the end).

  15. Confirm the Audience in the Registration (The audience needs to include all employees that need to take the activity)

  16. Select SAVE

  17. Click the Optional button (this will open a new page)

  18. Navigate to Configure general properties for your activity and select Status
    • Select Active
    • Select Hide from search results for Learners and Managers (we are selecting because we are assigning the course and we do not want the learners to self-register from the library)
    • Select No registration required
    • Set the Status to Active in the drop down
    • Click OK

  19. Navigate to Registration and select Availability
    • Select Open for registration
    • Select Allow one click registration
    • Click OK

  20. Navigate to Notifications and select System

Note:  When we created the generic document we turned off all notifications.  Now we are going to turn on the curriculum notifications.

  • First, we are going to make all notifications inactive for. On the right side of the screen find the View filter, in the drop down select Active. The results displaying in this screenshot is 10 of 76 records.  You will need to repeats these steps 8 times or until all notifications are inactive.

  • To select all notifications on the screen, select the Select All Items on this Page checkbox which is to the left of the Notification Name header.

  • Then click on the Inactivate button.


  • This is a list of recommended notification to activate. Search for each notification listed, click the selection box and click Activate
    • Learning Activity Assignment Notification
    • Learning Activity Assignment Reminder Notification
    • Learning Activity Assignment Overdue Notification

  • Click OK


  1. In the left pane, click the Actions button and select Subscribe. Here we will attach the activities and quick assessment to include in this curriculum.

    • Using the Search box, find the Knowledge document activities and the Quick Assessment. Select the box next to each activity and then click the Subscription Properties button.
      • Note: If you need to add/remove activities and the subscription links after you have assigned this to your employees, please put a ticket in with DES for assistance.

    • Subscription Properties are for honoring previous completions and also share learner completions between activities. You can set up the subscription link so that, if the learner completes the activity in one place, then that completion also gets recorded and honored everywhere else the activity is located. It is not recommended subscribing to direct child activities, offerings, or versions to other activities as it can lead to completion roll up issues.  You should subscribed the parent activity instead.  For example, subscribe the ILT course instead of an individual ILT class offering.  For more details log into SumTotal and read Understanding Subscription Links

      • Note: If you have multiple curriculums subscribed to the same course and the subscription properties are different in each curriculum the learner may have to take the course multiple times to fulfill all curriculum assignments.  It is recommended to assign a course using one method.  For example, if you allow the learner to self-register for the activity via the library then don’t also assign the course with a management audience or place the activity into a curriculum.  If you are assigning the course to your employees, hide the subscribed course from search results so learners cannot see it in the library and self-register.

      • Note: If you have some subscription links that do not honor previous completions, it can lead to situations where some curriculum rosters do not contain every attempt record.  You will have to view the roster for the subscribed activity to view all records (attempts and completions) for the learner.

      • If this is a brand new course and there are no activity completions, then you do not need to make any selections on this page.

      • If you don’t care if the learner has previously completed this activity and you want the learner to take the course again, then you do not need to make any selections on this page.

      • Select Honor successful completions made after this activity structure moved to production: Honors the first completion that happens after the curriculum is moved to production.

        • For example, say you send the curriculum to production on November 2, 2020. If a learner completes the activity AFTER November 2, 2020 the curriculum honors this completion.  If the learner completes the activity before this date the curriculum does not honor the completion.

        • Note: The learner must register for the curriculum for the system to honor any completions.

        • Note: After the administrator makes the assignment, an overnight process needs to run before a learner will be given credit for a previous completion.

      • Select Honor successful completions made before this activity structure moves to production: honors completions that happen BEFORE the curriculum is moved to production.  This option’s behavior depends on your additional selection:

        • Most recent completion: Honors the most recent completion.  For example, say you subscribed to the activity to the curriculum and then send the curriculum to production on April 2, 2020.  If a learner completes the activity BEFORE April 2, 2020 the curriculum honors this completion.  If the learner completes the activity AFTER April 2, 2020 the curriculum does not honor the completion.

        • Most recent completion after [date]: Honors the most recent completion after the selected date.  For example, if you enter January 1, 2021, all completions before that date are not honored.

        • Note: When using this selection, once the curriculum is moved to production it may take the system up to an hour to transfer the child completions to the curriculum.  If your learners try to access the curriculum immediately after you move it to production, the curriculum won’t have registered their previous completions yet and they won’t have the option to avail completion or skip registration on already attended activities.  As such, we recommend moving any “before” curricula to production outside of business hours so the system has time to mark any past completions.

      • Only honor the above completions after the learner registers for at least one activity in this activity structure: ALWAYS CHECK THIS BOX IF HONORING COMPLETIONS AFTER OR BEFORE THE STRUCTURE IS MOVED TO PRODUCTION.

      • Note: If you select Required to be completed (Grading and Completion) for the subscribed activity, the learner must retake the activity regardless of the completion status.

      • Even if the completed activity has an expired certification, it will be carried forward. If the learner has been assigned the same activity with different certification cycles, the earliest expiration takes precedence.


    • In the left pane, drag and drop the activities into the order you want the learner to complete them. Ensure your quick assessment is at the end.

    • Before publishing this curriculum to Production, make the assignment to your employees.

      Assign the Curriculum

      Learners can be assigned the curriculum by:

      1. Add the employee to the Curriculum Roster. This is considered an elective registration and the learner can cancel the registration.

      2. Assign the curriculum to individual employees. (Optional > Management > Users)
        1. Select each employee that needs the assignment. This is considered required training.  The employee cannot cancel the registration.  Only an administrator can remove the assignment by removing the learner in this section.

      3. Assign the curriculum to a group of employees using an audience. (Optional > Management > Audience)

        1. Training can be specified as recommended or required.

        2. Upon assignment, if an employee does not need to complete the activity, the only way to remove the assignment is to modify the audience membership to exclude the employee.

        3. For more details log into SumTotal and read Assign Training to Learners as an Administrator