• Saving preliminary drafts you aren’t ready to share with others
  • Reference copies of documents (reports, articles, policies, etc.) that you have on hand for easy access or personal notes/comments you’ve made on them
  • Teams may automatically save files to your OneDrive – be sure to monitor those and move or delete as needed

Tip: It’s often tempting to download copies of documents like forms or instructions we use often. However, that can get us in trouble if the form or instruction changes. It’s best to keep things bookmarked in your browser or file explorer, so you’re always using the most up-to-date version.  


Retention in OneDrive

Retention in OneDrive can be set manually at the folder-level or file-level. There is no default retention on OneDrives.

To determine what retention label to use on your files, consult the table here: Common records and their retention labels in SharePoint and Teams, or contact the Agency Records Officer, Rachel Thompson.

Setting Retention at the Folder-level. Anything you put into this folder will inherit the retention applied to the folder.


  1. Select the folder you want to set retention on


  1. Click on the Info icon in the upper right corner


  1. In the new pane on the right, select the appropriate label from the Apply label dropdown menu.


Setting Retention at the File-level

  1. Select the file you want to set retention on

  1. Click on the Info icon i the upper right corner

  1. In the new pane on the right, select the appropriate label from the Apply Label dropdown menu.