CAUTION: You can expire activities that are subscribed to curriculum or being used as fulfillments, however if these activities are being used in multiple places and they are inactivated, it could cause issues with learners being able to complete structures.

NOTE: Expired classes can be re-activated

  1. Locate the Learning Activity

  2. Click on Edit

  3. Click on Send to Stage

  4. Click on Optional

  5. Navigate to Configure General properties for your activity -- > Status
    • Change the Status dropdown to Inactive

  6. Navigate to Registration --> Availability
    • Uncheck Open for Registration

  7. Complete this step for online course activity type only
    • Navigate to Meta Data --> System Defined
    • Under Expiration Date, select Expires On - Todays Date
    • Select the checkbox ‘Inactivate the activity on the expiration date’

      This will ensure that the system inactivates the class on the expiration date selected above. Expiring classes also ensures that online classes with subscription links cannot be retaken if accessed.

  8. Navigate to Registration --> Audience
    • Click on the audiences associated with the activity and then click Delete

  9. Navigate to Notifications --> System
    • Change the view to Active
    • Select and Inactivate all notifications (usually about 74 there are pages of them)

  10. Navigate to Management --> Audiences
    • Click on the audiences associated with the activity and archive

  11. Click Validate for Production

  12. Click Move to Production