Before you can set up Premium Voicemail, you need to put a ticket in with DES IT Support 4U and request an upgraded voicemail box. There is a cost associated with the upgraded mailbox. A standard mailbox costs $3.83/month and Premium is $5.00/month
- Go to your Avaya Messaging Web page:
On the UC Sign In page
- CLICK the UC Link
- ENTER your 10 digit mailbox number in the user name field
- ENTER your password in the password field. (Default is myvoicemail#1)
- CLICK Sign In
On the Avaya web page
- CLICK the “message forwarding” box under Messaging
- CLICK the “add new forwarding address” icon
- In the “send to specified destination” field
- ENTER the email address for where you want messages delivered to (
In the “Message Type” section
- CLICK the “Voice” box
- CLICK the “include attachment” box at the bottom of the page
- CLICK the “save and close” box
- You can add up to 6 email addresses.