At DES, there are three Wireless networks to connect to. Roaming Wireless, Sponsored Guest and Guest. The three networks and their purpose are described below.
WaFi (formerly Roaming) Wireless Network:
If you are issued a laptop with VPN for your job position, you will automatically be enrolled in WaFi Wireless (formerly Roaming). This will allow you to undock your laptop and take it to meetings and other events within the Jefferson building and remain connected to the network. If you undock and do not immediately connect to Roaming Wireless, you may need to click on Wireless Networks and enable WiFi again.
Sponsored Guest Wireless Network:
Sponsored Guest accounts are mostly used for mobile devices such as Smart Phones and Tablets. A Sponsored Guest account will allow your Smart Phone or Tablet to remain connected to the Wireless network in the building and not force you to accept the End User License Agreement every few hours. Android products will work with either Sponsored Guest or the Guest network but Apple Devices will work best with a Sponsored Guest account.
To request a Sponsored Guest account, contact DES IT Support 4U and they will create the account and send you the login information. The accounts are free.
Guest Wireless Network:
The Guest network is open to everyone in the Jefferson Building and several other remote buildings as well. The Guest WiFi password is posted on the DES IT Support 4U Customer Portal, in all Conference rooms and on the Inside DES page. If you are using the Guest network, the password will expire every 90 days. At that time, you will need to forget the Guest network and rejoin with the new password. The instructions for Forgetting the Network are out on the DES IT Support 4U Customer portal.