Honoring Previous Completions
Important! You will have to refer to the wrapper proposal spreadsheet to determine which selection is appropriate
- If you honor previous successful completions, the learner does not need to retake a subscribed activity they have already completed. The system shares their completion record with the subscribed child activity so that they are marked complete (Attended or Waived) on the curriculum’s roster.
Steps for Modifying Subscription Properties to Honor Previous Completions
- Verify the notifications are all inactive
- Click Honor successful completions made after this activity moves to production
FUTURE COMPLETIONS - selecting this option will apply completions earned for this activity outside of this structure by users in the future to the subscribed activity within this structure.
Thus, if a user completes the learning activity in the future (e.g. 1 year from now) independently of this structure, then the completion will be applied to the subscribed activity within this structure.
- Click Honor successful completions made before this activity moves to production (this is creating the look back).
Selecting this option will apply past completions earned for this activity outside of this structure by users to the subscribed activity within this structure.
Thus, if a user completed this activity prior to selecting this option and moving the structure to production (e.g. 2 years ago), then the completion will be applied to the subscribed activity within this structure.
If these are specific date look back, it necessary to come in yearly and update the date by a year forward as this sets the initial entrance into the certification cycle.
- Use the Radio Buttons to set the lookback terms based on the spreadsheet
Most recent completion
Selecting this option will use the current completion attempt found on the roster of the subscribed activity for users, regardless of how recent or distant in the past.
Most recent completion after __[ date ] ____
Selecting this option requires entering a cutoff date to determine how far back in the past completions will be applied.
For example, if 12/1/2020 was entered, then ONLY completions earned on or after this date will be applied to the subscribed activity within this structure. A completion earned prior to this date is NOT applied within this structure. NOTE: We may have to change this date yearly for ones that have 3 year, 5 year look back periods.
- Important Click ONLY HONOR THE ABOVE COMPLETIONS AFTER THE LEARNER REGISTERS FOR AT LEAST ONE ACTIVITY IN THIS ACTIVITY STRUCTURE. Clicking this prevents it from showing up on the transcripts of everyone who ever completed the course regardless of agency. This also prevents notifications from going out statewide.
Selecting this option will restrict honoring completions for the subscribed activity earned outside of the structure UNTIL the user registers for the structure.
If this option is NOT selected, then completions will always and be honored, regardless of whether the user registers for the structure OR even if the structure is not even visible or available to the user.