Each SharePoint Document Library and Teams Files (a type of Document Library) will have a retention label applied to it when it is created. The retention label will apply to all folders and files uploaded or created in the Library or Files tab.

If the default retention label for your Teams Files or your SharePoint Document Library does not meet your needs, you may need to apply a different label. The default retention label is meant to ensure that some kind of retention is applied to items.

Most document libraries will be defaulted to 7 years after date last modified. This means that a document will be retained for 7 years after the date it was last updated.

However, seven years may be too long for some documents, while others may need to be kept longer. You can change the label for individual documents or folders within a Document Library or Teams Channel Files as needed.

For instructions on applying or changing retention labels, see:


Below are some common records and their appropriate retention labels:


Type of Record

Retention Label

Retention Label Notes

Brainstorming and Collaborating


Records generated as part of the brainstorming/collaboration process.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Notes written on whiteboards, flipcharts, large/oversize paper sheets, etc.;
- Post-it notes

No retention required

If your Document Library has a default retention label, and you want to ensure that the document is not deleted at the end of that retention use a label with the word "Keep" in it.

Budget Preparation and Development


Records relating to the development of program budgets and budget proposals.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Budget proposals/decision packages;
- Supporting/backup documentation;
- Related correspondence/communications.

007-Years-Delete-Labeled Date

Label at the end of the budget cycle

Business / Work Plans


Records relating to plans for the management of the program's projects, assets, workforce, etc., including timelines, performance measures, and areas of responsibility.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Final plan;
- Records relating to the development of the plan.
Excludes records covered by:
- Disaster Preparedness/Emergency and Recovery Plans (DAN GS 14010);
- Organizing/Monitoring Work in Progress (DAN GS 50011);
- Strategic Plans -- Final (Unpublished) (DAN GS 10001);
- Strategic Plans -- Development (DAN GS 09027).

002-Years-Delete-Labeled Date

Label at the completion of the plan

Client / Customer Feedback and Complaints


Records relating to the capturing and receiving of feedback/information/data (including complaints) from the program's clients/customers concerning policies, procedures, business practices, customer service, etc., where not covered by a more specific records series.

Includes, but is not limited to:
- Thank-you messages, kudos, etc.;
- Client/customer satisfaction surveys (including the design and distribution of such surveys);
- Internal and external correspondence/communications relating to complaints, their investigation, and resolution.

Excludes records covered by Whistleblower Investigations (DAN GS 04004).

003-Years-Delete-Labeled Date

Label when complete

Contact Information


Records relating to the contact details of external clients/stakeholders the program has gathered/received and the maintenance of such lists/collections.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Business cards;
- Contact details stored in Microsoft Outlook and other contact databases;
- Mailing lists, email distribution lists, listserv/RSS subscriber details, etc.;
- Requests to be added/removed from the agency's contact lists (includes mail/communications returned as undeliverable);
- Quality assurance checks;
- Related correspondence/communications.

No retention required

If your Document Library has a default retention label, and you want to ensure that the document is not deleted at the end of that retention use a label with the word "Keep" in it.

Contracts and Agreements (Office Copies)


Office copies of contracts and agreements, signed by the agency and one or more parties, where the originals are held by Contracts and Procurement.

Includes, but is not limited to:
- Interagency, intraagency, and inter-governmental agreements;
- Lease, escrow, and rental agreements;
- Lending agreements (facility, equipment, vehicle);
- Liability waivers (hold harmless, insurance, etc.);
- Personal service, client service, purchasing agreements;
- Purchase and sales agreements (non-capital asset purchases only).

Does not include records related to negotiations or monitoring that are not held by Contracts and Procurement.

No retention required

If your Document Library has a default retention label, and you want to ensure that the document is not deleted at the end of that retention use a label with the word "Keep" in it.

Delegation of Authority Records


Records documenting the designating of agency personnel with the authority to sign for purchases, leave authorizations, or other actions.

007-Years-Delete-Labeled Date

Label after delegation expires

Desk Manuals / Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) / Work Instructions


Routine day-to-day task/work instructions, desk manuals, templates, SOPs, etc.

No retention required

If your Document Library has a default retention label, and you want to ensure that the document is not deleted at the end of that retention use a label with the word "Keep" in it.

Drafting and Editing


Records relating to the drafting/editing of correspondence, documents, and publications.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Preliminary drafts not covered by a more specific records series, not needed as evidence of external consultation or as evidence that the program practiced due diligence in the drafting process;
- Edits/suggestions/directions (such as handwritten annotations/notes, track changes information/comments in Microsoft Word, etc.);
- Electronic documents created solely for printing (such as signs, mailing labels, etc.);
- Related correspondence/communications.

No retention required

If your Document Library has a default retention label, and you want to ensure that the document is not deleted at the end of that retention use a label with the word "Keep" in it.

Emergency / Disaster Preparedness -- Contact Information


Personal contact information for employees, volunteers, etc., compiled to facilitate contact in the event of an emergency or disaster.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Personal contact information (cell/home phone, email address, etc.);
- Medical information (provider name, blood type, allergies, ADA requirements, etc.).

No retention required

If your Document Library has a default retention label, and you want to ensure that the document is not deleted at the end of that retention use a label with the word "Keep" in it.

Legal Advice and Issues


Records relating to legal advice and opinions received by the program concerning the program's actions, statutes, rules, policies and procedures, etc.
Also includes records relating to legal issues of concern to the program where not covered by a more specific records series.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Advice and opinions (formal/informal) requested and/or received from the Office of the Attorney General;
- Copies of legal documents and other materials pertaining to specific issues;
- Related correspondence/communications.
- Records covered by Litigation Case Files -- Significant (DAN GS 18009) and Litigation Case Files -- Routine (DAN GS 18004);

007-Years-Delete-Labeled Date

Label after advice is no longer used

Legislation -- Monitoring / Tracking


Records relating to the monitoring/tracking of proposed legislation/regulations/rules with possible impact on the program under consideration by the Legislature, other state agencies, federal or local governments.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Bill drafts, amendments, fiscal notes, memos;
- Committee reports, monitoring reports, and related records.
Excludes records (such as public agency lobbying L-5 reports) covered by Reporting to External Agencies (Mandatory) (DAN GS 19004).

003-Years-Delete-Creation Date


Meeting Records  -- Staff and Internal Committees (Official Records)


Records documenting staff meetings and internal committees.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Agendas, meeting/agendas;
- Audio/visual recordings and transcripts of proceedings;
- Minutes.
Excludes records covered by:
- Advisory Body Records (DAN GS 10015);
- Governing/Executive/Policy-Setting Body Records (DAN GS 10004);
- Meeting Arrangements (DAN GS 09024);
- Meeting Materials -- Members' Copies/Notes (DAN GS 09026).

003-Years-Delete-Creation Date


Organizing / Monitoring Work in Progress


Records relating to the assigning, prioritizing, tracking/monitoring, and status of work/projects in progress.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Status logs;
- To-do lists;
- Tasks within Microsoft Outlook, etc.;
- Routing slips;
- Workflow notifications/escalations.

No retention required

If your Document Library has a default retention label, and you want to ensure that the document is not deleted at the end of that retention use a label with the word "Keep" in it.

Performance Evaluations - Supervisor / Office Copies


Copies of performance evaluations that are held by a program or supervisor. (Official copies of performance evaluations are held by Human Resources.)

No retention required

If your Document Library has a default retention label, and you want to ensure that the document is not deleted at the end of that retention use a label with the word "Keep" in it.

Performance Evaluations - Supervisor Preparation


 Records gathered by an employee's supervisor in preparation for employee's performance evaluation.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Notes of performance, training, and development;
- Job assignments;
- Other related documentation.

No retention required

If your Document Library has a default retention label, and you want to ensure that the document is not deleted at the end of that retention use a label with the word "Keep" in it.

Provision of Advice, Assistance, or Information


Records relating to requests received and provision of advice, technical assistance, and information (including program-initiated communications) concerning the program, its core business, programs, and services, where not covered by a more specific records series.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Internal and external correspondence/communications (regardless of format) relating to the request/program-initiated advice, assistance, or information.
Excludes records covered by:
- Public Disclosure/Records Requests (DAN GS 05001);
- State Publications (DAN GS 15008);
- Requests for Basic/Routine Agency Information (DAN GS 50002).

002-Years-Delete-Creation Date


Public Disclosure / Records Requests


Does not include the records subject to requests.

Records relating to requests from the general public for access to the agency's public records in accordance with chapter 42.56 RCW.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Internal and external correspondence relating to the request;
- Records documenting the public records provided to the requestor (copies or lists of the records provided, etc.);
- Records documenting the public records (or portions) withheld (exemption logs, copies of portions redacted, etc.);
- Records documenting administrative reviews relating to the request;
- Public disclosure requests and appeals.
- Records that are the subject of the public records request (which must be retained in accordance with the applicable records series);
- Records covered by Provision of Advice, Assistance, or Information (DAN GS 09022).

003-Years-Delete-Creation Date

Records Destruction Documentation


Records documenting the destruction of the program's records.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Destruction logs;
- Affidavits;
- Agency authorizations;
- Certificates/notices of destruction.

100-Years-Keep-Modified Date

These are permanent records.

Records Inventories and File Plans


Office copies of records inventories and file plans.

No retention required

If your Document Library has a default retention label, and you want to ensure that the document is not deleted at the end of that retention use a label with the word "Keep" in it.

Reference Materials


 Materials gathered from outside sources for reference/reading use which are not evidence of the agency's business transactions.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Conference materials (such as proceedings, handouts, etc.) from conferences/seminars not organized by the agency;
- Copies of published articles, reports, etc.;
- Internet browser favorites/bookmarks;
- Listserv/RSS feeds.
Excludes records covered by Secondary (Duplicate) Copies (DAN GS 50005).

No retention required

If your Document Library has a default retention label, and you want to ensure that the document is not deleted at the end of that retention use a label with the word "Keep" in it.

Reporting Internally -- Routine Reports / Statistics


Records relating to routine internal statistical and narrative reports provided to management documenting/tracking the activities and work accomplishments of a division/program/project for a given time period.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Monthly/quarterly/yearly reports.
- Annual reports of the agency and other published reports covered by State Publications (DAN GS 15008);
- Records covered by Records Documented as Part of More Formalized Records (DAN GS 50012).

003-Years-Delete-Creation Date

Routine Personnel Records


Records relating to employees' routine personnel transactions or tasks that do not affect employment history, payroll, performance, or retirement status/eligibility.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Changes to work schedules and assignments;
- Location codes;
- Name/address/status/emergency contact change documentation;
- Miscellaneous tracking forms.

No retention required

If your Document Library has a default retention label, and you want to ensure that the document is not deleted at the end of that retention use a label with the word "Keep" in it.

Secondary (Duplicate) Copies


Copies of records (created or received), provided the agency retains its primary copy of the record in accordance with the current approved minimum retention period.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Data extracts and printouts from agency information systems;
- Cc's of emails, provided the agency is retaining its primary copy of the email;
- Convenience/reference copies of records;
- Duplicate and near-duplicate images/photographs, provided the selected “best” image(s) documenting the occasion/object is retained.
Excludes records which are the agency's only copy of the record, even if it is held by another agency.

No retention required

If your Document Library has a default retention label, and you want to ensure that the document is not deleted at the end of that retention use a label with the word "Keep" in it.

Training Provided by Program - Class Files


Records documenting training courses, seminars, workshops, etc., provided by a DES program (including through contracted trainers) to agency employees, contractors, customers/clients, or the public where either:
- Training is not required by federal, state, or local statute and/or the employer;
- Qualifications/credentials/licenses are not earned;
- Continuing education hours/credits/points are not awarded.
Includes, but is not limited to:
- Copies of materials presented (PowerPoint slide deck, handouts, etc.);
- Attendee lists/sign-in sheets documenting who attended;
- Tests administered and results;
- Course/seminar/workshop evaluation feedback/surveys.
Note: Records documenting training received by employees are covered by Training Files -- Employee (DAN GS 22003).

003-Years-Delete-Labeled Date