Do you remember when Outlook showed status as online, busy, or offline? The status came from Skype. When we removed the Skype application, the Outlook indicator went away too.  

You can get it back using the status in Teams. It’s a simple click of the mouse. Once you do this, Outlook will show the status of any DES user.  

Note: The Teams status is not tied to Zoom status. Someone may show available in Outlook or Teams and be in a Zoom meeting. 


To have the status show up in Outlook, click on the Settings icon in Teams 

  • On the upper right corner of Teams, click on the ellipsis next to your photo or initials 

  • Then click the Settings icon


  • Under the General tab, the 2nd to the last option is “Register Teams as the chat app for Office”. Check that box and that’s it! You will have to restart Office to have it take effect. It should work if you close Outlook and restart. If not, you will have to restart your computer. 
