Receiving Notifications:

Each Program Manager assigned individuals to be responsible for checking incoming Faxes for the program. Each individual will receive an email from RightFax E-mail Gateway when there Program has received a Fax.


The eMail will look similar to the picture below.

Accessing the FAX Folders

In File Explorer, you currently have a DES, OFM or WaTech folder. Once FollowMe is deployed to your location, you will also have a DES-Fax or WaTech-Fax folder.



Retrieving the FAXES

  1. Under DES-Fax, OFM-Fax or WaTech-Fax, locate your program folder and open it. You will only have access to the FAX folder that belongs to your Program.


  2. The faxes will appear inside a date stamped folder. The date stamp will be year/month/day (20181022). The system generates a random name so you will have to open each one to see who it belongs to. Since it is a system-generated filename, it cannot be changed.


  3. You can choose to send the Faxes to the appropriate person via email or you can save them in a shared location and notify the user that they are there. If they are not needed, just delete them.

  4. Every 7 days, the FAX files will be purged from the folders. Be sure and copy them locally if you need to keep them.


Please contact DES IT Support 4U if you are having any issues.

Phone: 360.407.2244